Your Journey to Success

If you’re ready to leave your old negative thoughts behind and master the skills you need to move forward in life, then sit beside me . I’ll be your partner on your journey to finding self-fulfillment.

Does This Sound Like You?

  • You overthink and analyze every conversation and interaction; especially those with someone in a senior position
  • You are indecisive and second guess your business decisions
  • Overwhelmed and stressed to the point of immobility
  • Want to improve your/your Team’s communication skills/dynamics
  • Unhappy with your current job but unsure how to make the leap to something fulfilling and meaningful
  • Promoted to a new position but have doubts that you are worthy (impostor syndrome)
  • Feel “invisible” or overlooked in meetings/conversations
  • Have difficulty in saying “no” or setting healthy boundaries
  • Need to level up your leadership skills; communication, time management, active listening, presentation skills

This doesn’t have to be your reality.

I can help.

What's It Like Working with Joann

Certified Executive & Leadership Coach

A client went from unhappy employee to a happy and confident business owner as a result of our coaching.

After working with Joann, an allied health professional with a lifelong ambition to become a writer realized her dream, and completed her first novel.

With Joann’s help, a recently- promoted executive struggling with Imposter Syndrome is now self confident, a stronger communicator, and routinely volunteers to lead team meetings and presentations. These changes have enhanced both their work and personal relationships.

Life Coaching

What Is It Costing You To Not Take Action?

Your happiness?

Living with stress and uncertainty?

Financial loss?

Poor mental and physical health?

Low self esteem?

The Way Out Of The Fear, Uncertainty And Immobility Is Available To You If You Are Ready.

Business Coaching

What is your poor time management costing you in terms of productivity and work/life balance?

How does it feel to be “invisible” in a team meeting?

Do you feel that you have the “respect” of your peers?

We Will Work With You On: Leadership skills, Organizational Skills, Time Management, Communication Skills, Delegation, Ridding Yourself of “Impostor Syndrome”

What Clients Say...

"Joann started the first coaching session by ‘breaking the ice’ and informing me about the ICF code of professional ethics and confidential nature of the conversation. Then she asked me about the specific goal that I have for that session. She is a good listener and showed empathy. That was safe and supportive environment that showed ongoing mutual and respect. She used a style of conversation that was open, flexible and confident.

Joann did not do consulting but asked me intelligent and relevant questions that made me think in news ways that I myself had not thought of. She has the ability to ask and listen which enabled me to think of new ways to solve any issue. It opened up my mind to new possibilities and solutions and brought benefits to the coaching


Joann focused on what I said and motivated me to express my thoughts on how to resolve the issues. She encouraged me to come up with new ideas and supported me by confirming what I said during the coaching session about my goals for OD intervention.

Joann and I went through five coaching session over a period of about 45 days. In every session she reminded me about the ICF code of professional ethics and confidential nature of the conversation. I improved step by step in every session. Now I have learnt how to communicate clearly with my colleagues and plan organizational changes step by step for a successful OD intervention. During all the five sessions, she listened to my ideas on how to implement the changes to achieve my goals for a successful OD intervention and encouraged me. Joann is a phenomenal coach and has enabled me to enhance my thought processes and skills in OD interventions."

- Sudarshan M., Auditor

“I wanted to work with a coach because I needed to prepare for a lengthy and complicated interview process for a promotion in my organization. It consists of several rounds and stretches over months. I wanted the coach to help me with my confidence, especially under pressure, as well as my communication skills (English is my second language).

Joann came up with a plan that focused on strategy that included role playing, and working on aspects of what it is like in a round robin interview process with stakeholders and executives.

She seemed to be as invested in my success as I was. I would call her, without notice, evenings, weekends, it didn’t matter. She always was available for me, and it didn’t matter how long it took, she was always a support.

Joann, as a coach, and a person, is wonderful with a kind and patient style. She helped me learn to be comfortable being myself, and encouraged me to be authentically me, not try to be something I’m not. Her support was invaluable.

The entire process took several months, but last week I got the call that I passed the process and got the promotion. After my wife, Joann was the second person I called.

I am going to continue working with Joann because she not only is great at what she does, but she gets results and believes in me.

If you are thinking of hiring a coach, contact her, and I say, “Don’t think..hire her.”

- A.A., District Training Manager

"Working with Joann has made a huge and lasting difference in my life and career path. Her intuition for asking questions and sensing when I am not performing at my best is absolutely unique. Her caring and honest way of communication is at once both professional and warm. Joann is not only my coach, she has become my friend! She is straighforward and non-judgemental, which I really appreciate in a coaching relationship. I feel comfortable sharing my highs and lows with her, knowing that she will celebrate with me or kindly and intuitively support me through any issues or difficulties. I’ve often come into our sessions feeling frustrated or confused, and left the session with a clear path and plan of action. I very much appreciate the way she has encouraged my growth and development, both personally and professionally."

- Katie Bolding, Musician

Get Started TODAY!

[free guide] Finding Your “Why” and Using It as Motivation to Overcome Anything

Your why is your reason for wanting a desired outcome, and it can drive you forward during tough times like nothing else can. Grab your free guide to learn how to find your why and how you can use it as motivation to overcome anything.


Joann Bellenkes
(714) 916-7453

Copyright 2024 - Sidecar Coaching